Frequent questions
What is the time of check-in and check-out?
Check-in is from 12.30 pm. If you arrive earlier, we will take care of your luggage.
Check-out is usually until 11.00. Please, ask if you want to go out later, to check availability.
Can I choose the type of bed in my room? (Large bed - two beds)?
Of course you can.
Are there non-smoking rooms?
All of them are non-smoking.
How many floors does the building have? Is there a lift?
Most of the rooms are in the ground floor. Only 3 rooms are available at the first floor by the stairs.
Is there air conditioning in the rooms?
All the rooms are individually air conditioned.
Can you keep my luggage when I leave the room?
Yes until 18.00 pm.
Do you have a Car Park?
Yes and it is free for five cars only. We do not take reservations for parking but if you don´t park the car in our facilities, you can leave in front of the hotel. This is a very quiet town and it will be as safe as in the parking.
Do you have Internet service for guests?
We do have internet service at the rooms and the lobby plus a modern computer at the lobby available at your request.
Can I choose the room?
Tell us your preferences and we will make every effort to make your stay as pleasant and personalized as possible.